
On Second Thoughts

The Editors

What happens when you forget to tell the jacket designer you’ve changed your subtitle? A proof copy of Jonathan Glancey’s Nagaland, which Faber will be publishing in April, arrived in the office this morning, with an erratum sticker on the cover.


  • 12 January 2011 at 7:04pm
    Bungaroosh says:
    They have, at least, adhered to the new rule of cover design: a nice big space at the top right for the retailers' "Three for Two" sticker.

  • 14 January 2011 at 9:29am
    Martin says:
    You can see why they did it, though. Those of us who might have thought Glancey was pottering around chatting to out-of-work sheep shearers in the Outback now know that we'll find him somewhere in northern India. The'dangerous' bit is for the blurb.