Sacked Soldiers
Thomas Jones
On the face of it, Defence looks like one of the more obvious departments in which to make hefty budget cuts. Until you realise it means 42,000 job losses, including 7000 army 'personnel'. What are all those sacked soldiers going to do instead: work for Marks and Spencer? As what – security guards to keep the sick, starving, homeless masses away from the overpriced ready meals?
At last, something to celebrate. Equally, if Hillary Clinton wants to hire them and ship them to the US, fine.
I read this the first time as meaning one day we may live in freedom again.
"Wernher von Braun (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977) was a German-American rocket scientist, engineer, space architect, and one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany and the United States during and after World War II. A one-time member of the Nazi party and a commissioned SS officer, von Braun would later be regarded as the preeminent rocket engineer of the 20th century in his role with the United States civilian space agency NASA."
It's incompatible with the facts to suggest that the UK came out on the winning side. It went from being an eminent power to the present, dependent on the US for nuclear weapons, being lectured by Hillary Clinton on defence policy and still fighting in two wars that an unpopular alliance dictated.
When I welcome today's proposals, it is because of the deep wish that the UK releases itself from the pursuit of foreign policies that are always attempting to arrest its decline that are actually counter-productive. There is, it seems to me, an instinctive wish in the hearts of many British people to live down this history of empire and find a more auspicious and less aggressive way of being in the world. We have an amazing multi-cultural society now, if the UK wanted to, that could be made the centre of national life (a truly Big Society, a world society) and the ceremonial drawing down of our armies could be a part of that.
Here in Taiwan, there are lots of Indonesian migrant workers here, thousands of them. So last week, the Taiwanese authorities organised their own national celebration and laid on a concert of Indonesian pop stars and traditional musicians, all their own food and so on. To say thank you. There are other ways to be in the world. There are other ways for states to embody the will of their populations. Rather than more soldiers, more operations, more bombs, more tanks, more missiles, how about more friends? (And not friends like the US and Israel, that constantly lead one into trouble and infamy).
Jason, i cannot believe you think the world would not be a worse place today if Hitler had been ruling it until whenever old age would finally have taken him.
And who will stop us? Are we still 'good' because we are the same nations that fought the Nazis? Or do we become something else, over the course of time?
Many WWII veterans have specifically spoken out against the present UK military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan to make that point.
The point is that many of Hitler's aims were accomplished, but without the Nazi ideology informing them, necessarily.
Why the outrage when, during and after the war, an ideology seemingly so abhorrent, was not so abhorrent to the Americans that they did not organise their Operation Paperclip.
American dominance flowed from Nazi scientific prowess (check out the photo there, it's the one I mention from the Space Center).
And, while your wife and your brother-in-law enjoy one particular fate due to the path history took, there are millions in Latin America who had to die due to the US thirst for dominance. It really is the swings or the roundabouts.
Thank God the Allies put an end to all that war.
And from meeting rabid Zionists, I can't really see how a Nazi could be any worse.
Look at the sheer quantity of death meted out by the US in the 60 years since.
It looks very much like X million were going to die, whatever the outcome, the only difference being at the hands of who and with what particular propaganda justifying it.
Or do you think that it matters a jot to a Guatemalan peasant whether their family was massacred in the 1980s by troops trained at the School of the Americas or, in a parallel universe, in Berlin?
From Nuremberg on. If British soldiers later find themselves facing a court on war crimes charges, so be it.
It doesn't matter if you're calling it Nazism or some other label. It is there in the world, still, and it is responsible, I believe, for those, to most, incomprehensible acts of mass destruction of life and property that most of us would call evil, but which, really, is just humankind seen from such an exalted viewpoint that the individual loses all significance.
Are these deaths qualitatively different somehow?
But would you really never fight? Would you let them drag you and your family off to the death camps? Because that, in the end, is what comes down to. Perhaps you are right but i just don't have that kind of faith.
My estimate, about the same, after all, there are only a fixed amount of people to kill and enslave.
That you comfort yourself that the world could be in a considerably worse state, that's your right, but I see no compelling evidence that the planet is better off today as a direct consequence of WWII. It was, for a time perhaps, but the US is a non-signatory to many international treaties, has an asymmetric view of human rights, is torturing people and sending them to 'black sites' and so on. My point is that whatever gains were made, the US is now unmaking them at a rapid pace.
(I won't say anymore, and I'm getting miserable anyway, because the outer rim of the megatyphoon is over norther Taiwan and I can't go out - it's been raining torrentially almost continually for three full days now).
Best to you, Joe, I'd rather be having this conversation in person.
Damn that Thomas Jones, always two steps ahead. I hear his mocking laughter filling the skies above Taipei...
Wait, no, it's the rain, still.
You really want to meet a group of sacked squaddies coming out of the pub on a Friday evening? Because I sure don't.
In 1940, the Germans attacked France (Norway as well, A.J.P) and showed that the military had learned their lesson.
In 1945, the USA tried out that snappy new weapon on the Japanese. It really worked. They then went on to try out the World war II tactics in Vietnam, but they beat Grenada in 1983.
Military powers always make mistakes and politicians still go on trusting their judgment. Are there any good causes? Why on earth do British politicians cling on to the so-called 'nuclear deterrent'? Who are they aiming it at? All cuts in military expenditure are good cuts.