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Zardari's Organs

Tariq Ali

Never a quiet moment in the dear Fatherland. I'm not referring to the bombing of the US Consulate in Peshawar, which is hardly a surprise given the intensity of US drone attacks in recent weeks. On other fronts there are some interesting developments.

Parliament has taken away all the president's powers, repealing the amendments introduced by previous military dictators. As if on cue the Supreme Court summoned the attorney general and asked him to provide the court with all the papers relating to the Swiss case against Zardari and his late wife regarding money-laundering and corruption. The Law Ministry refused to part with the documents. The attorney general informed the court and resigned in protest.

Some spin doctor or other must have advised the president that a counter move was necessary to restore his image. Zardari announced that after his death all his organs, indeed 'his whole body' would be donated to the nation. When the news was reported on Pak Point, readers had a field day. A few of these comments convey the tone of the rest. Let nobody doubt Zardari's popularity:

Zafar Yasin, March 17, 2010: Poor Zardari. He knows fully well that no living creature on God's earth would ever think of seeking a body organ from this evil soul.

Raza Qureshi, March 17, 2010: Zardari can donate his organs to animals because no human being can accept his body which is full of corruption. All hisbody organs are full of poison, so how any one can accept it. He can leave his organs to his corrupt greedy and criminal friends.

Ali, March 17, 2010: Zardari should have mercy on Pakistyan and return all the money he has stolen.We dont need his body parts.
Syed Mukhtar, March 17, 2010: Zardari's organs will be a perfect match for Pakistani nation becasue every single person is corrupt in Pakistan.

Aamir, March 18, 2010: Mr. Zardari, Please spare the poor people of Pakistan, they don't need your infected body organs. If you are really serious about offering something to this nation then please return the money which you siphoned off illegally.

Ayesha, March 18, 2010: I just wanted to share following hadith with you guys: Narrated Abu Hurairah (??? ???? ???): The Prophet (???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ????) said: "The good deeds that will reach a believer after his death are: knowledge which he learned and then spread; a righteous son whom he leaves behind; a copy of the Qur'an that he leaves as a legacy; a mosque that he built; a house that he built for wayfarers; a canal that he dug; or charity that he gave during his lifetime when he was in good health. These deeds will reach him after his death."

safdar, March 18, 2010: we don't want ur body zardari plz give us jobs plz plz

younis from Peshawar, March 31st, 2010: there is one part of his body that is polluted by over-use. It should be sent to zoo and fed to dogs and jackals. His brains are too weak to be used even as transplant for monkeys.


  • 6 April 2010 at 5:08pm
    Geoff Roberts says:
    For Zadari read Brown? makes the UK election seem like a bun fight in a convent.