I have a list!
Thomas Jones · Top Communists on Twitter
If you ever find yourself wondering what Karl Rove has been up to since resigning from the Bush administration in 2007, but don't feel like subscribing to Fox News or the Wall Street Journal, you can keep track of him on Twitter. This weekend, for example, he's been out hunting doves: you couldn't make it up. Lots of Rove's tweets end up on the #TCOT channel (that's 'Top Conservatives On Twitter'), which at the moment, unsurprisingly, is full of crowing over Van Jones's resignation and attacks on 'Obamacare'. It's mesmerising.
auto insurance is mandatory for u to pay, so why not health insurance? think about that one all u "healthers".
I half thought about pointing out the benefits of a subsidised public transport system, but that would hardly persuade people like SocialistHater:
Thank god that communist piece of shit Van Jones was forced to retire... Now we need to make all of the other commie czars retire..
or EvilmongrMobstr:
I want Obama out..pointless to discuss bill passage to me..I want nothing else of his even considered. He is a communist & needs to go
Pointless indeed. For a bit of pointiness, take a look at RedScareBot, an automated reincarnation of Joseph McCarthy, which trawls Twitter for John Birch Society-style paranoia and flags it up alongside memorable quotes from the crusading senator:
Communists in WH? RT @jwigderson @jaketapper There are fifteen, no twenty, no 140 known communist characters on Twitter right now.
I have a list! RT @dnldcs Coming This Tuesday: Obama Administration indoctrinates youth to new American Socialist Gov't