Vol. 46 No. 23 · 5 December 2024

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Jon McNaught

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Vol. 46 No. 23 · 5 December 2024


Andy Connell, Tom Crewe, Conrad Teixeira, Richard Bowring, Robin Kinross, David Seddon, Jonathan Kennedy

Christopher Clark

Disputing Disaster: A Sextet on the Great War by Perry Anderson. Verso, 373 pp., £30, November, 978 1 80429 767 4

Tom Stevenson

Exquisite Americana

Richard J. Williams

Short Cuts: Motorway Cities

Ferdinand Mount

The Price of Victory: A Naval History of Britain 1815-1945 by N.A.M. Rodger. Allen Lane, 934 pp., £40, October, 978 0 7139 9412 4

Inigo Thomas

In Camden

Kasia Boddy

An Absence of Cousins by Lore Segal. Sort of Books, 254 pp., £9.99, July, 978 1 914502 10 1
‘Ladies’ Lunch’ and Other Stories by Lore Segal. Sort of Books, 160 pp., £8.99, March 2023, 978 1 914502 03 3

Hal Foster

Objects in Exile: Modern Art and Design across Borders 1930-60 by Robin Schuldenfrei. Princeton, 345 pp., £55, January, 978 0 691 23266 9

Seamus Perry

The Collected Works of Wyndham Lewis: ‘Time and Western Man’ edited by Paul Edwards. Oxford, 566 pp., £190, November 2023, 978 0 19 878583 5

Ange Mlinko

Poem: ‘Epiphany’

Musab Younis

Return to My Native Land by Aimé Césaire, translated by John Berger and Anna Bostock. Penguin, 65 pp., £10.99, June, 978 0 241 53539 4
. . . . . . And the Dogs Were Silent by Aimé Césaire, translated by Alex Gil. Duke, 298 pp., £22.99, August, 978 1 4780 3064 5
Engagements with Aimé Césaire: Thinking with Spirits by Jason Allen-Paisant. Oxford, 160 pp., £70, February, 978 0 19 286722 3

Michael Wood

Sentimental Education by Gustave Flaubert, translated by Raymond N. MacKenzie. Minnesota, 445 pp., £16, January, 978 1 5179 1413 4

Diarmaid MacCulloch

The Thistle and the Rose: The Extraordinary Life of Margaret Tudor by Linda Porter. Head of Zeus, 379 pp., £27.99, June, 978 1 80110 578 1

Jessica Olin

From Here to the Great Unknown: A Memoir by Lisa Marie Presley with Riley Keough. Macmillan, 281 pp., £25, October, 978 1 0350 5104 5

Adam Mars-Jones

Annihilation by Michel Houellebecq, translated by Shaun Whiteside. Picador, 527 pp., £22, September, 978 1 0350 2639 5

Mike Jay

At the Sainsbury Centre: Ayahuasca Art

Sarah Resnick

Mammoth by Eva Baltasar, translated by Julia Sanches. And Other Stories, 103 pp., £12.99, August, 978 1 916751 00 2

Patricia Lockwood

Diary: Encounters with Aliens

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