Vol. 35 No. 19 · 10 October 2013

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 35 No. 19 · 10 October 2013


T.J. Clark, Mark Adlard, Alisoun Shire, Paul Evans, Steve Thorn, Norman Frink, Christopher Clark, Anil Gomes, Tor Krever and Teresa Almeida Cravo, David Campbell, Greg Tuck, David Bradford

Peter Pomerantsev

Forms of Delirium

Diarmaid MacCulloch

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan. Westbourne, 296 pp., £17.99, August 2013, 978 1 908906 27 4

Adam Phillips

The Hamlet Doctrine by Simon Critchley and Jamieson Webster. Verso, 269 pp., £14.99, September 2013, 978 1 78168 256 2

Hal Foster

Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art by Jacques Rancière, translated by Zakir Paul. Verso, 272 pp., £20, June 2013, 978 1 78168 089 6

David Runciman

Short Cuts: The Dirtiest Player Around

Jonathan Rée

Newton and the Origin of Civilisation by Jed Buchwald and Mordechai Feingold. Princeton, 528 pp., £34.95, October 2012, 978 0 691 15478 7

Pankaj Mishra

After Suharto

Jeremy Harding

In Shanghai: Portrait of the Times

Richard Overy

Rückzug: The German Retreat from France, 1944 by Joachim Ludewig, edited by David Zabecki. Kentucky, 435 pp., £33.95, September 2012, 978 0 8131 4079 7

Edward Luttwak

Mafia Republic: Italy’s Criminal Curse: Cosa Nostra, Camorra and ’Ndrangheta from 1946 to the Present by John Dickie. Sceptre, 524 pp., £25, May 2013, 978 1 4447 2640 4

Karl Miller

The Life of Sir Walter Scott by John Macrone, edited by Daniel Grader. Edinburgh, 156 pp., £65, February 2013, 978 0 7486 6991 2

Ned Beauman

The Adjacent by Christopher Priest. Gollancz, 432 pp., £12.99, June 2013, 978 0 575 10536 2

Jenny Turner

Apocalypse Baby by Virginie Despentes, translated by Siân Reynolds. Serpent’s Tail, 338 pp., £8.99, June 2013, 978 1 84668 842 3

Jenny Diski

On Knickers

Patrick Cockburn

Diary: Four Wars

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