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Vol. 9 No. 18 · 15 October 1987

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Vol. 9 No. 18 · 15 October 1987

W.G. Runciman

The Mexican Revolution. Vol. I: Porfirians, Liberals and Revolutionaries by Alan Knight. Cambridge, 620 pp., £37.50, April 1986, 0 521 24475 7
The Mexican Revolution. Vol. II: Counter-Revolution and Reconstruction by Alan Knight. Cambridge, 679 pp., £37.50, April 1986, 0 521 26651 3
Mexico: Inside the Volcano by Alan Riding. Tauris, 401 pp., £19.50, July 1987, 9781850430421


Ray Honeyford, Oliver Owen, Conway Xavier, Nigel Smith, Michael Hulse, Geoffrey Cuming, Bruno Nightingale

Jerome McGann

In the American Tree: Language, Poetry, Realism by Ron Silliman. National Poetry Foundation, 628 pp., $34.50, June 1986, 0 915032 33 3
‘Language’ Poetries: An Anthology by Douglas Messerli. New Directions, 184 pp., $19.95, March 1987, 0 8112 1006 5

Alex Zwerdling

The Failure of Theory: Essays on Criticism and Contemporary Theory by Patrick Parrinder. Harvester, 225 pp., £28.50, April 1987, 0 7108 1129 2

John Lanchester

Criticism in Society by Imre Salusinszky. Methuen, 244 pp., £15, May 1987, 0 416 92270 8
Mensonge by Malcolm Bradbury. Deutsch, 104 pp., £5.95, September 1987, 0 233 98020 2

John Sturrock

Death and the Labyrinth: The World of Raymond Roussel by Michel Foucault, translated by Charles Ruas. Athlone, 186 pp., £29.50, April 1987, 0 485 11336 8
Raymond Roussel: Life, Death and Works. Essays and stories by various hands  Atlas, 157 pp., £5.50, September 1987, 0 947757 14 7

Adrian Desmond

The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Vol. II: 1837-1843 edited by Frederick Burkhardt and Sydney Smith. Cambridge, 603 pp., £30, March 1987, 0 521 25588 0
The Works of Charles Darwin edited by Paul Barrett and R.B. Freeman. Pickering & Chatto, 10 pp., £470, March 1987, 1 85196 002 3
The Darwinian Heritage edited by David Kohn. Princeton, 1138 pp., £67.90, February 1986, 0 691 08356 8
Western Science in the Arab World: The Impact of Darwinism, 1860-1930 by Adel Ziadat. Macmillan, 162 pp., £27.50, October 1986, 0 333 41856 5
Theories of Human Evolution: A Century of Debate 1844-1944 by Peter Bowler. Blackwell, 318 pp., £25, February 1987, 0 631 15264 4
Controversy in Victorian Geology: The Cambrian-Silurian Dispute by James Secord. Princeton, 363 pp., £33.10, October 1986, 0 691 08417 3
Darwin’s Metaphor: Nature’s Place in Victorian Culture by Robert Young. Cambridge, 341 pp., £30, October 1985, 0 521 31742 8

Jasper Griffin

A History of Private Life. Vol. I: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium edited by Paul Veyne. Harvard, 670 pp., £24.95, May 1987, 0 674 39975 7
The Roman World edited by John Wacher. Routledge, 2 pp., £100, March 1987, 0 7100 9975 4
The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture edited by Peter Garnsey and Richard Saller. Duckworth, 231 pp., £24, March 1987, 0 7156 2145 9
Sexual Life in Ancient Egypt by Lisa Manniche. KPI, 127 pp., £15, June 1987, 0 7103 0202 9

Anthony Pagden

Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Modern Times by Krishan Kumar. Blackwell, 506 pp., £24.50, January 1987, 0 631 14873 6
Lectures on Ideology and Utopia by Paul Ricoeur, edited by George Taylor. Columbia, 353 pp., £21.90, December 1986, 0 231 06048 3
Visions of Harmony: A Study in 19th-Century Millenarianism by Anne Taylor. Oxford, 285 pp., £25, February 1987, 0 19 211793 9

Peter Burke

Patronage, Art and Society in Renaissance Italy edited by F.W. Kent and Patricia Simons. Oxford/Humanities Research Centre, 331 pp., £35, June 1987, 0 19 821978 4
Pienza: The Creation of a Renaissance City by Charles Mack. Cornell, 250 pp., $43.95, June 1987, 9780801416996
Piety and Patronage in Renaissance Venice: Bellini, Titian and the Franciscans by Rona Goffen. Yale, 285 pp., £30, July 1986, 0 300 03455 5
Venetian Humanism in an Age of Patrician Dominance by Margaret King. Princeton, 524 pp., £42.90, April 1986, 0 691 05465 7
The Venetian Patriciate: Reality versus Myth by Donald Queller. Illinois, 386 pp., $29.95, September 1986, 0 252 01144 9
Tradesman and Traders: The World of the Guilds in Venice and Europe, c.1250-c.1650 by Richard MacKenney. Croom Helm, 289 pp., £35, January 1987, 0 7099 1763 5
Florence, Rome and the Origins of the Renaissance by George Holmes. Oxford, 273 pp., £25, November 1986, 0 19 822576 8
From Humanism to the Humanities: Education and the Liberal Arts in 15th and 6th-Century Europe by Anthony Grafton and Lisa Jardine. Duckworth, 224 pp., £29.95, January 1987, 0 7156 2100 9
Renaissance and Revolt: Essays in the Intellectual and Social History of Early Modern France by J.H.M. Salmon. Cambridge, 306 pp., £30, June 1987, 0 521 32769 5

Jeremy Harding

Eritrean Revolution

Susanne Chowdhury

Poem: ‘Disaster Area’

Brad Leithauser

Selected Poems by Molly Holden. Carcanet, 126 pp., £6.95, June 1987, 0 85635 696 4
The Player Queen’s Wife by Oliver Reynolds. Faber, 78 pp., £8.95, November 1987, 0 571 14998 7
The Consuming Myth: The Work of James Merrill by Stephen Yenser. Harvard, 367 pp., £21.95, June 1987, 0 674 16615 9

D.A.N. Jones

Anthills of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe. Heinemann, 233 pp., £10.95, September 1987, 0 434 00604 1
Familiar Wars by Julietta Harvey. Joseph, 251 pp., £10.95, August 1987, 0 7181 2823 0
Lenin: The Novel by Alan Brien. Secker, 703 pp., £11.95, October 1987, 0 436 06840 0

Jane Miller

Diary: On the National Curriculum

John Sutherland

Dickens’s Working Notes for his Novels edited by Harry Stone. Chicago, 393 pp., £47.95, July 1987, 0 226 14590 5

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