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Vol. 5 No. 3 · 17 February 1983

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Vol. 5 No. 3 · 17 February 1983

Peter Medawar

The Youngest Science by Lewis Thomas. Viking, 256 pp., $14.75, February 1983, 9780670795338


R.W. Davies, E.J. Hobsbawm, John Barber & Jonathan Haslam, Ruth Nevo, Nicolas Walter, Bernard Richards, John Wakefield

Peter Clarke

The People of England by Maurice Ashley. Weidenfeld, 240 pp., £11.50, October 1982, 0 297 78178 2
A New History of England, 410-1975 by L.C.B. Seaman. Macmillan, 576 pp., £6.95, August 1982, 0 333 33415 9
The Making of Modern British Politics, 1867-1939 by Martin Pugh. Blackwell, 337 pp., £19.50, May 1982, 0 631 12985 5

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie

The Republic in the Village by Maurice Agulhon, translated by Janet Lloyd. Cambridge, 412 pp., £27.50, September 1982, 0 521 23693 2

John Sutherland

From Author to Reader: A Social Study of Books by Peter Mann. Routledge, 189 pp., £8.95, October 1982, 0 7100 9089 7
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, edited by Nina Burgis. Oxford, 781 pp., £40, March 1981, 0 19 812492 9
Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens, edited by Margaret Cardwell. Oxford, 923 pp., £45, December 1982, 0 19 812488 0
Books and their Readers in 18th-Century England edited by Isabel Rivers. Leicester University Press, 267 pp., £15, July 1982, 0 7185 1189 1
Mumby’s Publishing and Bookselling in the 20th Century by Ian Norrie. Bell and Hyman, 253 pp., £12.95, October 1982, 0 7135 1341 1
Reading Relations by Bernard Sharratt. Harvester, 350 pp., £18.95, February 1982, 0 7108 0059 2

Rosemary Ashton

Two Velvet Peaches

Clive James

The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays of Eugenio Montale translated by Jonathan Galassi. Ecco, 354 pp., $17.50, October 1982, 0 912946 84 9
Prime alla Scala by Eugenio Montale. Mondadori (Milan), 522 pp., October 1981
Eugenio Montale’s Poetry: A Dream in Reason’s Presence by Glauco Cambon. Princeton, 274 pp., £16.80, January 1983, 0 691 06520 9

Graham Bradshaw

Collected Stories by V.S. Pritchett. Chatto, 520 pp., £12.50, June 1982, 0 7011 3904 8

John Ziman

Sir William Rowan Hamilton by Thomas Hankins. Johns Hopkins, 474 pp., £19.50, July 1981, 0 8018 2203 3
Gentlemen of Science: Early Years of the British Association for the Advancement of Science by Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray. Oxford, 592 pp., £30, August 1981, 0 19 858163 7
The Parliament of Science: The British Association for the Advancement of Science 1831-1981 edited by Roy MacLeod and Peter Collins. Science Reviews, 308 pp., £12.25, September 1982, 0 905927 66 4

David Daiches

Selected Writings of Cunninghame Graham edited by Cedric Watts. Associated University Presses, 212 pp., £13.50, August 1982, 0 8386 3087 1
The Scottish Sketches of R.B. Cunninghame Graham edited by John Walker. Scottish Academic Press, 204 pp., £8.75, August 1982, 0 7073 0288 9

Thomas McKeown

Florence Nightingale: Reputation and Power by F.B. Smith. Croom Helm, 216 pp., £12.95, March 1982, 0 7099 2314 7
Edward Jenner: The Cheltenham Years 1795-1823 by Paul Saunders. University Press of New England, 469 pp., £15, May 1982, 0 87451 215 8

Dan Jacobson

Story: ‘Patient’

Gabriele Annan

My Wife Maria Callas by Giovanni Battista Meneghini, translated by Henry Wisneski. Bodley Head, 331 pp., £9.95, January 1983, 0 370 30502 7

A.J.P. Taylor

Diary: Hungarians and Falklanders

John Murray

Story: ‘The Señor and the Celtic Cross’

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